What Should You Do if You Are in a Car Accident and When Do You Need to Hire an Attorney?

Hi, I’m attorney Ken Lanier at the Law Office of Ken Lanier.
What should you do if you have an injury? The first thing you should do after the accident or the incident is seek medical care. Whether you go by ambulance to the hospital, whether you go to urgent care, whether you go to some sort of medical treatment, you need to do that immediately. After you seek that help then you need to follow-up with your primary care physician. At that point your primary care physician will diagnosis you, will evaluate you, you go through different test and so forth. And then they’re going to give you a treatment plan and you need to follow that treatment plan. So whether that’s physical therapy, whether that chiropractic; you need to make sure that you follow the plan so that you get back in good health. And that helps maximize your case. One of the tricks of defense attorneys for the insurance company is they want to see whether there are any gaps in your care. So you want to make sure that you follow-up, that you do the plan, and then you get back in good health.
Here at the Law Office of Ken Lanier, we’re here to help you because we’re client focused and results driven.
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At your convenience, please contact The Law Office of Ken Lanier for an initial consultation at no cost to you.