Attorney Profile

If you find yourself injured and locked into a battle with insurance companies and adjusters, you're going to need someone in your corner who is dedicated to you and your case alone. You'll want someone who knows the law and your case. That person would be personal injury attorney Ken Lanier.
"I wanted to enter law because I really wanted to make a difference in my community," said Attorney Lanier.
Ken dedicates his time to just one area of practice, personal injury. It's his 100% dedication to that area of law that makes him the ideal person to defend your rights.
"I don't focus on other areas of law. I specialize and focus strictly on personal injury law. It allows me to have an expertise that I can use to provide a great outcome for my clients."
That expertise comes to life when he's advocating for his clients. "I'm not just trying to make them whole, but maximizing their case."
A graduate of Jackson State, a proud member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity incorporated, and a dedicated family man, Attorney Lanier takes his job and his clients seriously. When he wins, you win.
"I'm committed and dedicated to helping folks. People get blitzed with ads and blurbs on the radio about attorneys, but I'm an attorney you can trust and that you know it is working with you for your best interest to ensure that you get your maximum settlement."
Get the Help You Deserve
At your convenience, please contact The Law Office of Ken Lanier for an initial consultation at no cost to you.